It is relatively easy to choose a health insurance plan that saves you or your company money. If you choose plans that have relatively high deductible rates then the cost of the plan to you is lower. It’s not rocket surgery, and most any agents only offer you a high deductible plan. Offering such high deductible plans to your employees is not optimal, because as you know these kinds plans are not attractive to potential employees.
The option of offering high-service, low deductible plans to employees is conversely expensive, and almost always too expensive.
Double Plan Strategy
What if you could choose both plans and obtain the benefits each offer, low monthly premiums and low out-of-pocket expenses? And what if you could do it and realize a 15% to 30% overall health care cost savings for your company? Impossible?
Believe it or not, this option and these health care savings are possible now in California. It is what we here at River City Benefits call “The Gap Policy Solution”. You can have the best of both options and this is exactly the strategy that we are offering.
The Gap Insurance Solution
Many California companies are already taking advantage of this interesting strategy. We have researched in depth the health care options and pertinent laws that allow companies to choose this “double-plan” strategy. In our report on this research, we detail the stories of three such California companies and how they have used our plan to get more bang for their employees for less bucks spent by the company.
With the rapid changes that are occurring in health insurance options, particularly those available in California, and with the uncertainty that these changes bring it is necessary that you act. This Gap Policy Solution is available to your company now! Download this FREE report. Learn the facts and discover how this double plan strategy makes sense for your company.